Century Management, Founded in 1974
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805 Las Cimas Pkwy, Suite 430, Austin, TX 78746
Investment Counselors
© 2011


Read what these prestigious publications have had to say about us:
Outstanding Investor Digest
Extreme Value

Read articles from Century Management in our newsletter:
The Value Investor

Articles from Century Management:
Most Recent "Value Investor" Newsletters
Timeless Lessons
Other Writings

Streaming Video from Century Management:
Video Conversation with Wayne Angell, Ph.D. 12/21/11
Video Conversation with Arnold & Scott Van Den Berg & Jim Brilliant 12/21/11
Archived video of our June 30, 2011 Luncheon Review

Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 6/1/10

Dowload an edited transcript of the 6/1/10 video conversation
Chapter by chapter video of our June 21, 2008 Client Review
Archived video of our June 7, 2008 Client Review

Archived video of our November 10, 2007 Client Update
Archived video of our June 23, 2007 Client Review

Streaming Audio from Century Management:
Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 2/17/09
Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 10/10/08
Conversation between Arnold Van Den Berg & Dr. Wayne Angell 10/9/08

Other Articles:
Century Management in the Media
Important Public Awareness Articles

Our Recommendations of Informative Books:
Recommended Reading

Articles Written by Century Management

"The Debt Ceiling Debate" (7/27/11)

"Over the past several months, financial markets have been dealing with the possibility that the U.S. will reach the limits of its borrowing ability on August 2 and default on its debts. The purpose of this letter is to give you some perspective on the debt ceiling debate.
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"November, 2010 Value Investor Newsletter" (11/26/10)

"The scope of this publication is the greatest since our December, 2004 issue of the CM Value Investor..." (Please note that this is an 84 page document and a 2.5MB download. To simplify your navigation through the document, we have provided bookmarks for each subject heading. To access the bookmarks, click the small triangle on the left edge of the PDF's screen. That will open the bookmark panel.)
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"October, 2009 Value Investor Newsletter" (10/12/09)

"As we begin our fourth quarter, we would like to update you on our year-to-date results, as well as share with you some of our overall thoughts..."
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"July, 2009 Value Investor Newsletter" (7/25/09)

"The economic deterioration that took place at the end of 2008 through the first part of 2009 was both swift and severe..."
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"Is Inflation In Our Future?" (3/26/09)

"Many of our clients are concerned by the actions taken by the Federal Reserve and Congress. The debt incurred by vaious "bailout" plans and the expansion of the Federal Reserve balance sheet are the biggest of these concerns..."
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CM's "Value Investor" Newsletter (10/1/08)

"As we stated in our September 19, 2008 newsletter, we believe the $700 billion bailout/rescue package ("the package") or some version thereof is needed; we are in favor of this important piece of legislation and believe it needs to be passed as soon as possible..."
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CM's "Value Investor" Newsletter (9/19/08)

"We have been reading the headlines and digesting the articles from various news sources and databases to which we subscribe, and needless to say we understand why people are frightened. However, at times like this, the majority of the headlines accentuate the bad news and leave out what we refer to as "quiet noise"..."
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CM's "Value Investor" Newsletter (12/04)

"The scope of this publication is greater than any we have written in our 30-year history. The purpose in writing this report is to point out that, financially speaking, we are living in historic times. It is extremely unusual for all major asset classes (stocks, bonds and real estate) to have been bid up to what appears to us as unsustainable levels, all at the same time..."
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CM's "Value Investor" Newsletter (8/03)

"A question has been raised by a number of our clients because of the rate of growth of the assets under management and the increased number of clients that we service: Can Century Management continue to perform in the future as it has in the past? This is a legitimate question and one that we have given a great deal of thought to..."
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CM's "Value Investor" Newsletter (9/02)

"A review of stock market history will confirm something that value investors have known for a long time, that the greatest opportunities to purchase stocks below their intrinsic value is in times of great uncertainty. The purpose of this letter is to share with you our evaluation of the current market and the many factors that are guiding us as we manage your portfolio. We hope that you will see, as we do, that although we may not be completely through this bear market, the upside potential is rapidly increasing..."
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CM's Timeless Lessons

"Interest Rates & Inflation"
"There have been many discussions about interest rates over the last year. We feel it is extremely important to understand the relationship between interest rates, stocks and bonds because the movements of one will affect the value of the other. While we will be discussing these relationships, we would like to point out that we try not to make predictions on interest rates, the economy or, for that matter, the weather..."
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"Toys R Us vs. eToys"
"As most of you are probably aware, there is considerable excitement about the Internet, especially the Internet stocks. While we share investor's enthusiasm of the Internet and truly believe that it is a revolution in marketing and distribution, we do not share the investor's euphoria when it comes to the valuations of Internet stocks. As a matter of fact, when we reviewed some of the Internet stock valuations we were beginning to wonder if the law of gravity had been repealed..."
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"The Outlook for the S&P"
"'If an equity investment does not have the potential to have a return greater than a tax-free bond, there is not much value.' Over the next 10 years we believe that the return on the S&P will be between..."
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"Summary Review"
"We know that through past experience and market history that the most popular stocks are not always the best values, and therefore, are not always the best investment for the long-term investor..."
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"The Indexes"
"The S&P 500 is today's mania. Let's review to see why. The S&P is comprised of the 500 largest companies in the universe of almost 10,000 stocks. The S&P 500 is capitalization weighted. This means that the larger the company, the greater the impact it has on the S&P index..."
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"Value Investing"
"The ultimate value of a company is the present value of its future cash flows. However, this most basic concept sometimes gets overlooked by many investors, as they simply look for companies with recognizable names or that are in the current spotlight as places to invest without regard for the companies' future earning power and growth rate..."
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CM's Other Writings

Letter to Clients after Tragic Events of September 11, 2001
"The tragic events of this week will last in our memories forever. We would like to extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the victims of this tragic crime and their families. This unthinkable act has been enormously unsettling for all of us. Many of you have called our office asking what effects this will have on the financial markets..."
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"Stock Updates"
"On August 31, 1999, Galileo Corporation changed its name to NetOptix to focus attention on the fact that their primary business efforts were now directed toward the production of thin-film WDM optical filters. NetOptix gives new meaning to the term volatility. Under the old name of Galileo, we had originally accumulated a position in this stock with an average price of $7..."
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"Extraordinary Values"
"Investments must be rational; if you don't understand it, don't do it!"...
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"Second Quarter Highlights"
"We are happy to report that there was a significant increase in the value of your portfolio during the second quarter. There are two main reasons for this increase. First, many of the companies had outstanding performances..."
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"Companies We Own"
"Currently their industries are very unpopular and that is why you can buy them at discounts of up to 50%..."
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"The Market Comes Full Circle"
"With 1999 well underway, Century Management is entering its 25th year in the money management business. The past twenty-five years have afforded us the opportunity not only to have read about market history and its many cycles, but to have lived and worked through them. Since 1974, we have seen many market..."
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Century Management on Streaming Video and Audio Files

Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 6/1/10
Download an edited transcript of the 6/1/10 video conversation
Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 2/17/09
Conversation between Scott and Arnold Van Den Berg 10/10/08

Conversation between Arnold Van Den Berg & Dr. Wayne Angell 10/9/08

Chapter by chapter video of our June 21, 2008 Client Review
Archived video of our June 7, 2008 Client Review

Archived video of our November 10, 2007 Client Update
Archived video of our June 23, 2007 Client Review

Century Management in the Media

"Interview with Arnold Van Den Berg " appeared in the June 1, 2011 edition of GuruFocus Newsletter
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"A Deep-Value Approach to Fixed Income Investing" appeared in the April 18, 2011 edition of The Wall Street Transcript This is an interview with Century Management's bond specialist, Tom Siderewicz
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"True Religion" appeared in the January, 2010 issue of Louis Ruckeyser's Mutual Funds In this interview, by Benjamin Shepherd, Century Management's bond specialist, Tom Siderewicz, discusses the performance and philosophy behind CM Advisers Fixed Income Fund.
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"Fair Play" appeared in the November 13, 2009 issue of Outlook Profit Magazine (one of India's leading business publications). In this interview, by Mohammed Ekramul Haque, Century Management's president Arnold Van Den Berg discusses when he buys stocks and when he prefers bonds. In addition, Arnold answers the question "How do you view the markets today?"
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"The Blast Part 2" appeared in the Extreme Value Newsletter from March 10th, 2005. This article by Dan Ferris was written after Dan sat in on Century Management's 2004 Client Review. In it, the author stresses our "Price Determines Return" philosophy.
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" The Blast Part 1"
appeared in the Extreme Value Newsletter from February 17th, 2005. In this value investing-oriented piece by Dan Ferris, our own Arnold Van Den Berg is praised and quoted along with none other than Warren Buffet.
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"Take my word for it, these stocks are cheap. They have enormous growth potential, too." is an interview with Century Management, published in the August 30,2006 issue of Outstanding Investor Digest. This 26-page PDF was excerpted from the full 45-page feature. If you would like the complete article, contact our office.

"Well, so far, so good. During the past 31+ years, clients of Century Management have earned a compound return of 15.6% per year after all fees and expenses (before fees, they've earned 17.1%) versus 13.5% and 12.4% per year for the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ, respectively. By the way, those figures include clients' holdings in cash and bonds..."
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"If past bubbles are any indication, this one's aftermath will be a doozy." was published in the April 30, 2004 issue of Outstanding Investor Digest. This 18-page PDF was excerpted from a talk given by Arnold Van Den Berg to Century Management clients in January of 2004.

"Since founding Century Management back in 1974, Arnie Van Den Berg has handily beaten all of the indices. Through March 31,2004, he's managed to earn returns of 17.6% per year before fees versus 13.9% and 12.8% per year for the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ respectively..."
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